Ever since I was a little girl auditioning for those big red spinning chairs filled by the superstar coaches that have accomplished everything I hope to one day has been a dream I was set on achieving.
Let's start from the beginning. My amazing, incredibly supportive parents have been driving me to open call auditions since I was just 13 years old and at every audition I've thought, "This is it." To my surprise, none of those auditions were "it". I'd cry for a minute and then get back to work to try and make it the following season. It wasn't until my season 17 audition in Nashville, Tennessee when I finally made the cut. The funny thing about this specific audition is that this is the only time I thought for sure I wasn't going to make it through. I had decided to play guitar despite how much of an amateur I was and let's just say it did not go as I had planned.
When it came time for my blind I decided to sing "Blank Space" by the one and only Taylor Swift. Taylor has always been such an incredible influence in my life and I was honored to sing one of her songs on the stage of my dreams. I gave my all and sang my heart out but sadly the song didn't work in my favor. I was disappointed but mostly just happy to be there. I gave the coaches each portraits I had drawn of them and they asked me to please come back, so of course I did.
Season 18 was going to be different, or at least that's what I had told myself. I sang "Love Yourself" by Justin Bieber and Nick Jonas was going to be a coach! I couldn't wait to meet one of the brothers I'd watched growing up. Of course I had to draw him too. I was so excited, but when it came time for my audition I had completely siked myself out. "What if this is my last chance?" "They didn't want me last time why would it be different now?". I walked on to that stage so focused on everything that could go wrong that I had totally forgotten to just do what I love. No turns. I cried, not because I was hurt that it didn't go as I had planned but because I knew that I did not perform to the best of my ability. I gave Nick the drawing and he drew me a cute little smiley face on his notepad that I still have today. This audition taught me to believe in myself and to never forget why I'm doing what I do. It isn't about how far you go, or how many people you can get to listen to you. It is about doing what you love and sharing it with the people who want to listen.
I love every single thing about "The Voice." I love the connections you make, the love and support from all of the people who put it together and how kind the coaches are to each and every contestant. I would go back a million times but even if I don't get another chance I am forever grateful for the time and support that they've poured into me. If you are thinking about stopping by an open call or submitting a video audition, I would say do it. I am so greatful for my new fans and followers and I'm so excited to share this journey with you.
Emily Bass
